World Lion’s Day- The King is in Danger!!!

Posted on August 10th, 2020

From The Great Sphinx of Giza to successful franchise of Disney’s The Lion King or religious icon in Hinduism (Goddess Durga poises on a lion & God Narasimha is half lion); this apex predator is also culturally important, not just within Africa or India but the lion is a key symbol for so many cultures whether they’re Egyptian, British, German, French, or Chinese, you’ll find the lion very deeply held within almost every culture on earth. It clearly signifies power, courage, pride and confidence.

Lion's Day is celebrated annually on 10th August worldwide to raise awareness of the majestic hunter, the king of the jungle. The day aims to spread awareness regarding the conservation of lions and to protect their natural habitat.

The History behind this day

The celebration of the Animal Kingdom’s most majestic yet ferocious creature was founded by Big Cat Rescue, the world’s largest accredited sanctuary dedicated to big cats. World Lion is the brainchild of co-founders Dereck and Beverly Joubert, a husband wife team with passion for big cats. They began the initiative in 2013, bringing together both National Geographic and the Big Cat Initiative under a single banner with the goal of protecting these wild cats in their natural habitat. Moreover, the initiative is also concerned about the the safety measures of the communities that live near wild cats.

The Threats these Big Cats face

The celebration of the Animal Kingdom’s most majestic yet ferocious creature was founded by Big Cat Rescue, the world’s largest accredited sanctuary dedicated to big cats. World Lion is the brainchild of co-founders Dereck and Beverly Joubert, a husband wife team with passion for big cats. They began the initiative in 2013, bringing together both National Geographic and the Big Cat Initiative under a single banner with the goal of protecting these wild cats in their natural habitat. Moreover, the initiative is also concerned about the the safety measures of the communities that live near wild cats.

The greatest threat these big cats face is the destruction of their natural habitat by the humans. Humans in the name of development are destroying and fragmenting their natural habitat. The lion population is plummeting gradually owing to the exploitation. Within two decades Africa has been losing its lions; the population being decimated by 92%.

The greatest threat these big cats face is the destruction of their natural habitat by the humans. Humans in the name of development are destroying and fragmenting their natural habitat. The lion population is plummeting gradually owing to the exploitation. Within two decades Africa has been losing its lions; the population being decimated by 92%.

Well, the torture doesn’t end here.

As if trophy hunting wasn’t “barbaric” enough, in South Africa lions are being bred specifically to shoot later. More lions live in captivity than in wild. Breeders rip the lion cubs from their mothers at just a few days old, only to offer them as living photo props and fake “orphans” for paying volunteers to hand-raise, and tame them for a life of exploitation. The condition in which these captive lions are kept is shocking as well as heart wrenching; these wild cats are confined to tiny enclosures, sometimes without adequate food, hygiene and the ability to express natural behaviours.

Whether it’s the practice of petting the cubs or walking with lions just for the sake of getting a photo, the tourists, sometimes unknowingly supports the abuse on lions. This happens as it’s hidden from them that when the lions get older, they are killed for bone trading. Thus, the Poaching industry too serves as a threat to these predators. The bones of the lions are used for making some kind of traditional medicine. The demand for the skin, teeth, hair, bone for various reasons is growing in Asia as well.


The declining population of lions is indeed worrisome. Proper actions need to be taken or else it will be matter of years before we lose these majestic wild cats too. Every day is important for lion conservation but today is a day to acknowledge it culturally and symbolically. Spread the word on social media, raise awareness of the plight of the lion and the threats these beings face in the wild; at least this much we all can do on our part. More National Parks needs to be constructed so that more lions can thrive.

Destroying their homes, exploiting them just for a picture to be posted on social media, we humans can do better than that. Humans and large species like cats can live in harmony together, but only if they understand how to do so. 

Live and let live the King!!