End the Animal testing for Cosmetic products!

Cosmetic products have become an integral part of our life. Most people are unaware of....

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Save the Gharials!!

The monarch of Indian rivers is under severe threat. Too few of them remain in the wild and the continuing loss indicates....

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Wildlife Trafficking - Things You need to Know

The world is dealing with an unprecedented spike in illegal wildlife trade, threatening to overturn decades of conservation...

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World Rhino Day

The red panda is dwarfed by the black-and-white giant that shares its name. These pandas typically grow to the size of a house...

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Red Panda Day!

The red panda is dwarfed by the black-and-white giant that shares its name. These pandas typically grow to the size of a house...

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Animal Laws and Rules Across The Globe

Animal welfare remained a relative backwater of philosophical inquiry and legal regulation until the final decades of the 20th century...

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Lion's Day Special!

Few of our thoughts regarding the current situation of Lions!

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International Tiger's Day Special!

Our effort to create an impact regarding Tigers! Do check out the articles!

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Assam's Wildlife is DROWNING

Thinking of North-East India always brings in the serene and unparalleled natural beauty but when it comes to natural calamities...

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Elephant Riding - Not For Your Next Bucket List Adventure

While more and more people are becoming compassionate towards animals and treating them with care, it is sad that...

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Are You Milked With Dark White Lies?

Animal cruelty, bloodshed, meat consumption and slaughter are often associated with non-vegetarianism. Rarely do we see....

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The Disturbing Facts of Poultry Industry

Hens are highly social and intelligent beings, when studied in their natural environments, they show great....

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Animal Welfare Rights

From early settlers to modern day, animal farming humans have paved way for creative accounting of animal abuse....

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