Conserve the Big Cats

Posted on July 29th, 2020

The tiger is a symbol of wilderness and well-being of ecosystem. A combination of grace, strength, agility and enormous power, tigers are the National Animal of India. In fact, India serves as home to a large population of tigers in whole world; approximately 70% of world’s tiger population. Sadly, this powerful predator is also the most slaughtered species in India to an extent that it was on the brink of extinction.


The problem with us humans is that we don’t react unless it’s too late. On seeing the national animal on the verge of extinction the government was alarmed. The hunting of tigers was termed illegal in 1970. Back in 1973, the then Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi launched Project Tiger. The goal of the project being creating a safe and ideal environment for the survival and growth of the Tigers. Over the time this initiative proved to be a success and there was an increase in the population of tigers. The project started with 9 Tiger Reserves and today stands with 28 Reserves.

This project, though tackled various issues, lost its pace with time owing to many changes. It was replaced by National Tiger Conservation Authority in 2006. Along with these Government projects some individuals and NGO’s worked towards the conservation of natural habitats and growth of Tigers.

Due to the combined efforts of these projects, India has the maximum number of tigers in the world. India noticed an increase in the tiger population by 30%; the number rose from 1706 to 2010 whereas in the year 2014 it was 2206.

At present 3,900 tigers remain in the wild. But we still have a long way to go. To secure the future of these wild species much more work is needed. Tiger reserves are ideal places to conserve the tiger population in their natural habitat. At present there are 50 tiger reserves in India. But the growing human development serves as a threat to these reserves. At least half of India’s 50 tiger reserves are facing threats from linear infrastructure like roads, highways and railway lines.


  • Conserve natural habitat. Prohibiting the cutting of trees will help save the home of not only tigers but the entire wildlife.
  • Controlling climate change can help save these animals. It will not be wise of us to make conditions worse. The increase in heat is melting the ice, eventually rising the sea levels. This increase in the Sea levels is wiping out the Sundarbans (mangrove forests), the largest habitat of Royal Bengal Tiger. Thus, the increasing global warming pose as a threat to the Royal Bengal Tigers.
  • Illegal trading of tiger parts needs to be stopped. Stricter laws need to be imposed.
  • Avoid going to Zoo and prefer visiting Wildlife sanctuaries and Natural Reservoirs. Wildlife Sanctuaries are bigger spaces and when amongst nature, tigers are much at home than being caged in a zoo.
  • The Natural Reservoirs should have proper infrastructure. With home ranges reaching up to 1,000 square kilometres, it is absolutely essential that tigers have free and safe movement along large natural corridors to breed, hunt and establish their own territories. Having access to these corridors ensures genetic diversity and also provides an avenue through which tigers can respond to climatic changes, environmental shocks (such as fires, deforestation, drought and flooding) and human disturbance.


We should save these animals before they become a part of history. We should contribute to saving the lives of tigers so that we can also live just a little longer, thanks to the ecological services provided by forests such as clean air, temperature regulation, and water. There are a number of things we can do too. Raising awareness is critically important. We can raise voice on social media to aware people of the threats the tigers are facing. Many people are not aware of these threats and doing so will help ensure a safe future of these powerful predators. If we don’t take action and do our part as a responsible citizen, you might not see them in your future.

So, conserve and let the Tigers live!!